Saturday, October 27, 2007

[Mt Davis, Hong Kong] Phew!

Well I have arrived well and safe. Thanks to Oasis Hong Kong for a completely uneventful flight with 'interesting' in-flight meals. The fish curry was good, the noodles with asparagus(?) not so good. Anyhow - I'm in Hong Kong and to some it up in one word I'd have to go for 'nuts'. Crazy, manic, doolally and other such terms would also fit!

There are a lot of people here. There are a lots of cars here. There are a lot of skyscrapers here. And it's all on top of each other and the walkways / road / trams / ferry terminals and MTR (tube) lines all intertwine with each other making it very hard to get to where you want to be. Although I am getting used to it now. I have spent some time wandering around the Central district with its cluttered shops, noodle bars and international restaurants. Prada shops pop out of malls in the bottom of skyscapers and I also rode the longest escalator in the world - 800metres. It took me too far up though so I have to walk down a bit after that.

Yesterday when I arrived I made an extra effort and caught the 'Star Ferry' across the bay from Kowloon to HK Island. It was a magnificent trip as the full moon rose above the infamous skyline. The skyscrapers light up with displays and adverts after dark and with the heat haze / smog HK Island has it's own glow of energy.

I'm feeling a little jet-lagged and went to the zoo to perk myself up. Saw some cool animals such as Orangutans, Gibbons and even a Jaguar. They were all in cages and all pretty sedate. Zoos ennit.

Hong Kong Park was fascinating as I saw loads of different people there from the local communtiy. A bride and groom were having their wedding photos taken there and recent graduates posed around the artificial lake for photos and so on. It seems that the people of Hong Kong value greenery and 'parkland', despite the fact that there is no greenery and parkland around the city at all as far as I can tell. The Park and the Zoo have been the only places with trees so far!

I have applied and paid for my Chinese VISA. All being well I will be able to pick it up next Tuesday. I have also booked myself a hard sleeper bunk on the train to Shanghai next Friday. This is going to be an awesome train journey as half of China rolls past me en route - and it's a long trip too. I think around 23 hours!

Over and out for now... I must sleep!


RuthAcaster said...

Sounds fun exciting, keep us informed when you post new comments,

Ruth x

Unknown said...

Wow wee! glad you are there, safe and sound and what not, thinking of you today as i was stuck on way home from the smoke, urk!

Good work on the zoo! Hong Kong sounds sweet as!

Good to hear from you buddy.

Stay cool and safe.
Big love
Katie xx